
Aesop | Jill Magid's The Proposal

The burial site of Luis Barragán, Rotonda de los Jaliscienses Ilustres in Guadalajara, Mexico. Courtesy of Jill Magid and Field of Vision.

The burial site of Luis Barragán, Rotonda de los Jaliscienses Ilustres in Guadalajara, Mexico. Courtesy of Jill Magid and Field of Vision.

Aesop | Jill Magid’s The Proposal

To support conceptual artist Jill Magid in the making of her first documentary film—a facet of a larger project centered on the late architect Louis Barragán—Aesop hosted some of the film’s first screenings in cities across the world. To support this landmark event, we created an article to introduce the project, facilitated an interview, and composed a booklook to be given out at events.

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